Up to 5 November 2013, in Rome, Castel Sant’Angelo , will be open the 32nd edition of the European Exhibition for Tourism and Cultural Traditions , dedicated to the twenty years of collaboration between Arma dei Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and the State Police with the European Centre for Tourism. The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Superintendence for the Historical – Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and for the Museum of the City of Rome. The exhibition, supported by a scientific committee chaired by Eugenio La Rocca , is edited by Mario Lolli Ghetti and Maria Grazia Bernardini .
The project will present to the public the fundamental action taken by law enforcement agencies for the protection and defense of Itlian artistic and archaeological heritage. The objects on display ( bronze and marble sculptures , paintings , ceramics, silver and gold, etc.), in fact, were the result of important activities of recovery, through which it was possible to return to their Museums stolen archaeological finds , taken by clandestine diggers or illegally exported from our country.
The exhibition is illustrated by a Catalog edited by M. Lolli Ghetti and M.G. Bernardini, published by GangemiĀ .
For further information: http://castelsantangelo.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/22/eventi/45/capolavori-dellarcheologia-recuperi-ritrovamenti-confronti