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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Workshop: Intra et extra moenia. The transformation of the territory: cities and countryside between 3rd and 8th century

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figura mosaicoMeeting about Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages organized by the Associazione Universitaria Archeologia Udine (AUAU), in collaboration with the University of Udine (ADID – Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato e Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali). The purpose of this initiative is to provide participants with an analysis of the territorial changes occurred in the area of northern Italy, up to Emilia Romagna, between 3rd and 8th cent., a period crucial to the landscape evolution in the transition between ancient age and medieval times.

2 to 4 December 2014, Palazzo Caiselli, via Petracco 8, Udine c/o Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali e Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.



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Round Table: What future for academic journals? Open Access, evaluation, distribution

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Stemma_galileianaOrganized by the Galilean School of Higher Studies of Padua and its Alumni. Friday, November 28, 2014, 10:45, Collegio Morgagni, via S. Massimo 33, Padua.

Speakers include: Dr. Fulvio Guatelli (Florence University Press); Prof. Andrea Graziosi (ANVUR); Dott. Alberto Zigoni (Elsevier); Prof. Paul Bettiolo (Galilean School of Higher Studies); Prof. Giovanna Valenzano (Unipd – Department of Cultural Heritage); Prof. Guido Baldassarri (Unipd – Association of Italianists); Dr. Antonella De Robbio (Unipd – GDL CRUI Open Access); Dr. Paola Galimberti (Unimi – GDL CRUI Open Access); Dr. Elisa Bastianello (Unive – editorial board of «La Rivista di Engramma»). Moderator: Prof. Franco Tomasi (Unipd-Dipartimento di studi Linguistici e Letterari).


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Exhibition: Obulaccus and his road. Monuments and funerary objects from the Roman necropolis of Pian di Bezzo

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necropoli_pian_di_bezzoOn the occasion of the ” National Day for of Archaeology, Artistic Heritage and Restoration,” in Sarsina (FC) on  December, 7, 2014, at 15.00, at the Memorial Park the restoration of the mausoleum of Aulus Murcius Obulaccus (I cent. BC) will be presented. At the National Archaeological Museum (Via Cesio Sabino, 39), at 16.00, the exhibition “The mausoleum of Obulaccus from discovery to the present” will be inaugurated. The exhibition displays the reconstruction drawings realized by Traiano Finamore during the excavations carried out in Sarsina between the ’20s and’ 30s under the direction of Salvatore Aurigemma. On the same occasion it will be introduced to the public the new layout of the Hall B of the museum (project arch. Paolo Baronio), dedicated to the funerary objects of the Pian di Bezzo necropolis, some of them unpublished.


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Seminar in honour of Prof. Francesco D’Andria

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Untitled-1The Academy of Sciences of Puglia and the University of Salento promoted a seminar on “Science and Cultural Heritage” in honour of Prof. Francesco D’Andria. Speakers: Professor Paul Arthur, Prof. Raffaella Cassano, Prof. Giorgio Rocco and Prof. Giuliano Volpe.

The Seminar will be held on 26 November 2014, at 09.30, at the Conference Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Salento, Piazza Tancredi, 7 – Lecce.


For more information: University Secretary Tel. / Fax 0039/080/5714578


Exhibition: “Key to Rome. The city of Augustus”

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Roma, Mercati TraianeiRoma, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Alexandria: all Empire celebrates Augustus, an exhibition on the occasion of the two thousandth anniversary of his death. It is an extraordinary exhibition, an original interactive journey to discover the city of Augustus and the Roman Empire, seen and experienced from its four corners, four fascinating venues, four cities on Roman culture. The museum collection can be discovered, through a digital itinerary using computer graphics movies, natural interaction installations, multimedia and mobile applications.

All multimedia technologies used within the exhibition are the result of a four-years joint cooperation between researchers and developers of the V-MUST project. “Keys To Rome. The City of Augustus” is the concrete result of this effort and it is posing itself as a prototype for the future, testifying the success of V-MUST. Its aim was indeed to provide the heritage sector with the tools and support to develop Virtual Museums that are educational, enjoyable, long-lasting and easy to maintain.  


Information: 0039 060608


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Lecture: The Mausoleum of Hadrian / Castel Sant’Angelo

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conferenza_vittiWednesday, November 5, at 17:00 in the Vallicelliana Library, in Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, 18, Rome, within the framework of the conferences organized by the non-profit organization Terra Italia “Archaeology in Vallicelliana”,  Paolo Vitti will give a lecture entitled “The Mausoleum of Hadrian / Castel Sant’Angelo: new studies on its architecture“.