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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Exhibition and conference: Macerata and archaeology in Libya

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Untitled-1Since 1968 the University of Macerata, thanks to Antonino Di Vita – since 1962 Adviser to the Libyan government for the antiquities of Tripolitania and then, until 2011, professor emeritus in Macerata and founder in 2001 of the “Center for Research and Documentation on North African Archaeology” – performed excavations, research and monumental restoration in Libya, especially Leptis Magna and Sabratha, in close collaboration with the Libyan government and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Just to celebrate its 45 years of archaeological work in Libya, the University of Macerata organized on 12-13 and 18 March, 2014, an exhibition and a conference, edited by Maria Antonietta Rizzo and Gilberto Montali. During the event, the “Center for Research and Documentation on North African Archaeology” will be entitled to Antonino Di Vita. Besides, prof. G. Paci will present the book  I racconti del professore. Antonino Di Vita, by Liliana Madeo.


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Exhibition: Knowing, looking after, showing. Italian searches for the cultural and monumental heritage of Albania

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Exhibition organized by the Polytechnic of Bari, University of Parma, University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, in partnership with the Italian Institute of Culture in Tirana and the National Historic Museum of Tirana. Inaugurated on February 25st 2014 , the exhibition, edited by Roberta Belli, Anna Bruna Menghini, Sara Santoro and Frida Pashako, displays four scientific projects, elaborated by the Polytechnic of Bari and by the Universities of Parma and Chieti-Pescara, engaged for a long time in studies and researches about architectonic and archaeological heritage of Albania, in collaboration with the Institute of the Monuments of Culture of the Republic of Albania and the Institute of Archaeology of the Center of Albanian Studies of Tirana.

The projects have been elaborated as part of the educational activities and scientific researches of the Universities already mentioned in order of increase the value of the archaeological and architectonic heritage of Albania; in particular the exhibition displays two projects for a new setting up of the Archaeological Museums of Tirana and Durrës (Polytechnic of Bari: DICAR – Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile e dell’Architettura) and two projects of restoration of the amphitheater of Durrës (University of Parma: DICATeA – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e Architettura; University of Chieti-Pescara: DISPUTER – Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Umanistiche e della Terra e DARCH- Dipartimento di Architettura).

Along with the exhibition, at the National Historical Museum there has been a round table, with the participation of Italian and Albanian experts, on the topic “Research and cooperation to increase the value of the archaeological and architectonic heritage of Albania: past experiences and future perspectives”.


Download the exhibition poster 


Lecture: Pyrgos / Mavroraki: copper, charm and beauty thousand years before Aphrodite

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Festo2Saturday, February 22, at 11:00 am, at the Museum Pigorini of Rome, within the activities of the “Friends of the Italian Archaeological School of Athens”, prof. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno (ITABC-CNR, ROMA) will give a lecture titled “Pyrgos / Mavroraki: copper, charm and beauty of a thousand years before Aphrodite”.

The recent discovery of the Perfume Factory of Pyrgos (Cyprus), which to date remains the earliest evidence, dating back to the second millennium BC, enabled to identify some of the process of extracting aromatic fragrances, not only by studying the functionality of vases and instruments, but also through archaeometric analysis, which identified some of the aromatic substances that were processed at Pyrgos, until a devastating earthquake which cancelled the industrial complex for ever.

The discovery of the Perfume Factory of Pyrgos is nowadays the basis of a specific research project, based on archaeometric and historic experience of the ITABC-CNR team, which conducts research on this subject since 1980, following the discovery of the perfume factory of Cleopatra. Special laboratories have been set up at the ITABC-CNR .


To read more:

Donato G., Lentini A., Fragrances in the ancient civilisations of the Mediterranean Basin: Archaeometric studies” in M.R. Belgiorno, Aromata Cipria, Ed. Era Nuova, Perugia, Roma 2006, pp. 173-218.

Lentini A., Sostanze odorose e terapeutiche dal sito preistorico di Pyrgos-Mavroraki, in I profumi di Afrodite e il segreto dell’olio, ed. Gangemi, Roma 2007, pp. 89-109.


(Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography-“L. Pigorini” Marconi 14-00144 Rome (Italy), Tel. 06-549521)

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Call for papers “The Geoarchaeology of Mediterranean Islands”

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Cargese-112793_1Multidisciplinary approaches to paleoenvironmental changes and the history of human occupation in the Mediterranean islands since the last Glacial Maximum

International Conference organized in Cargèse (Ajaccio, Corse), in the period 30th June – 2nd July 2015, by the Centre Européen de Recherches et d’Enseignement  des Géosciences de l’Environnement  (CEREGE, UMR 7330 CNRS), the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (Ajaccio, Corsica), in association with the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece and the Laboratoire di Geographie Physique “Pierre Birot” (UMR 8591 CNRS).

Geoarchaeology could be defined as the study of environmental and landscape dynamics linking the human occupation and impact on an archaeological site. Combining geosciences and geographic methods, that approach could be of significant help to the study of archaeology. The conference aims to investigate the following topics:

  • Coastal paleogeographies
  • Sea-Level changes
  • Climate changes
  • Vegetation history
  • Extreme events and catastrophism (earthquakes, tsunami, etc.)
  • Fluvial dynamics “from source to sink”
  • Agriculture and Ancient Economy
  • Historical sources and past landscapes reconstruction
  • From past to future: archaeology as a tool for sustainable development.

The proposal, written in English or Frech, must be submitted before the 1st January 2015.


For further information download the .pdf 



Call for papers “Living Images”

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Horti HesperidumThe biannual journal «Horti  Hesperidum, Studi di Storia del Collezionismo e della Storiografia Artistica» (Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, filosofico-‐sociali dei beni culturali del territorio Università degli Studi Di Roma Tor Vergata) intends to devote the first issue of 2015 to “Living Images”. Literary texts can serve as a source for documenting an anthropological phenomenon during Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Age: images perceived as living beings, capable of talking, acting and interacting with us.

Special attention will be paid to the following topics:

1 The relationship between believers and devotional images;

2 Ekphrastic descriptions of living, talking, “real” images;

3 Iconoclasm, i.e. the desire to “kill” images in each historical age.

The titles of proposed papers, together with an abstract of not more than 2500 characters (including spaces) and a CV, should be e‐mailed to the journal’s editors by 28th February 2014 (horti‐


For further information download the .pdf

Presentation of the volume: Il tempio di Ercole a Sabratha, Architettura e contesto urbano

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Untitled-1Monografie di Archeologia Libica XXXIII, Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2013

by Sergio Aiosa.


Speakers: Giorgio Rocco (Polytechnic of Bari) and Elisa Chiara Portale (University of Palermo)


January 20, 2014, 15:00

Didactic Centre of Agrigento, Villa Genuardi, Via Ugo la Malfa, Agrigento


January 21, 2014, 17:00

Steri, Sala delle Capriate, piazza Marina 61, Palermo


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Inauguration of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria

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Riace Bronzes return to public, opened Museum ReggioThe Riace Bronzes are again at the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, designed by Marcello Piacentini (1937-1939) and now renovated by ABDR Associates Architects (Maria Laura Arlotti, Michele Beccu, Paolo Desideri, Philip Raymond). Yesterday, December 21st, in the presence of Minister for Cultural Heritage, Massimo Bray, the exhibition hall, where the two statues are located after the restoration, placed on special earthquake-resistant foundations, was inaugurated. In addition to this, other rooms of the Museum have been reopened, but the completion will be ready by April next year.


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Exhibition: “The saved legacy. Institutions, materials and collections in Milan between numismatics and archaeology”

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ImmagineAntiquarium “Alda Levi”, Via Edmondo De Amicis , 17, Milan (Italy)


The event is organized by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia and by the Direzione Generale alle Antichità del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali. The exhibition allows to appreciate the work done by ministerial offices for the protection and enhancement of the public numismatic heritage. Through a selection of ancient coins, in particular, it is possible to know the results of protection operated daily by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardia. The catalog is housed in the third volume of the series Notiziario del Portale Numismatico dello Stato , edited by Grazia Facchinetti and Serafina Pennestrì (freely available at the website The project, which comprehends also the conference The saved legacy. Reality and prospects compared to the protection and enjoyment of numismatics of archaeological interest (held in Milan on November  22nd, 2013 ), was sponsored by the Direzione Generale alle Antichità and was developed in close collaboration with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia and with the help of the Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici del Piemonte and the Museo delle Antichità Egizie.


For more information :

 Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: tel. 02.89400555

Call for papers: “Decor. Decoration and architecture in the Roman world”

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ImmagineThe University Centre for Studies on late antique housing in the Mediterranean (CISEM), of the Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with Simulacra Romae, organizes in Rome, in the period May, 21st to 24th, 2014, a conference on Roman architectural decoration. Objectives of the conference are to present an overview of recent studies on the subject, in Rome, in Italy and in the provinces, and a reflection and a comparison method: the type and nomenclature, the possibilities and limits of style interpretation, the relationship with the architectural spaces, the problems related to the perception of the architectural language.


The proposed interventions and posters must be sent to the email address by  December, 20th, 2013.


Download the call for papers

Exhibition “Antinoe, à la vie, à la mode. Visions of élégance dans les solitudes”

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120196971Exhibition organized by the Musée des Tissus of Lyon (France) in partnership with the Musée du Louvre and the Opéra National de Lyon. Inaugurated on October 1st and open until February 28th, 2014 , the exhibition documents the evolution, particularly between fourth and seventh centuries AD, of the shapes of clothes and funerary practices of the ancient Egyptian city of Antinopolis, revealed thanks to the excavations of its necropolis promoted by Émile Guimet and conducted by Albert Gayet in 1896-1908. The Musée des Tissus therefore offers today , to scholars as well as to non-specialist visitors, a unique opportunity to enjoy a collection of extraordinary objects, for the first time in a reconstituted unitary complex and proposed in an original key for reading  the history of costume.


Musée des Arts Décoratifs et des Textile Museum, 34 Rue de la Charité , 69002 Lyon, France

+33 4 78 38 42 00


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