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Conference “Poleis and politeiai in archaic and classical Magna Graecia “

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Convegno Taranto immagineThe 53 ° Congress on Studies about Ancient Greece, organized by the Istituto per la Storia e l’Archeologia della Magna Grecia, to be held in Taranto from 26 to 29 September 2013 will be dedicated to the theme: “Poleis and politeiai in archaic and classical Magna Graecia “. The sessions of the conference will be held in Taranto, at the new home of the University (Convent of Saint Francis – former barracks Rossarol), via Duomo, in the ancient town, on September 26 – 28, and the final session on 29 September will be held at the Aragonese Castle.

Like every year, in the period of the conference, there will be a book fair dedicated to editions of historical and archaeological interest (invitation to publishers, universities and cultural institutions).

Download the program. pdf

Representation of time through the camera: archaeological and historical testimonies

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aiasHistorical and Archaeological Film Festival organized on the occasion of the European Days of Culture by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies of Rhodes. For three days starting on September 28th, will be screened films and shorts on archaeological and historical themes, will be screened films and shorts on archaeological and historical themes of Greek, Italian, French, Belgian, German, Canadian, American, Egyptian production.


Download the program. pdf

FORUM. Structures, functions and development of fora in Italy (IVsec. BC – I century AD.): Call for papers

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Microsoft Word - Forum_calls_2013.docxRome, December 9, 2013, 9:00 am, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Odeion Hall, December 10, 9:00 am, British School at Rome, Sainsbury Lecture Theatre.

Organized by: Christopher Smith (Director of the British School at Rome, Professor of Ancient History -University of St Andrews), Attilio Mastrocinque (Professor of Roman History – University of Verona), Enzo Lippolis (Director of the Department of Classical Studies – ‘Sapienza’Università of Rome, Professor of Classical Archaeology).

In addition to the invited talks, in the afternoon of December 10 there will be a free session with 6 reports focusing on the theme of the Conference. Those who wish to participate should email their proposal containing the abstract of the speech, by September 27 2013 (September 20 for the session ”posters”) to the following e-mail address: The Scientific Committee will select the reports by the half of October, taking account of their relevance to the themes of the conference and the scientific innovation of their content.


For further information: Forum, call for paper


Public Archaeology in times of crisis: call for paper

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Archeologia pubblica ai tempi della crisi

The Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento intends to dedicate the seventh edition of the ” Giornate Gregoriane “, to be held on 29 and 30 November at the headquarters of the Park, to a Conference about a reflection on the relationship between archaeology and society in the context of the economic and cultural crisis that Italy and Europe are going through. Caught between a lack of resources and a prevailing economic vision, archaeology needs to rethink itself and its social role, both in terms of asset management, both with regard to measures aimed at developing the community’s interest and attention to archaeological heritage, through communication and outreach.

In addition to the invited talks (November 29-morning November 30) in the afternoon of November 30 there will be a free session with 6 reports of 15 minutes focusing on the theme of the Conference.


Those who wish to participate should email their proposal containing the abstract of the speech, by October 20 2013 to the following e-mail address:

The Scientific Committee will select the reports by the end of October, taking account of their relevance to the themes of the conference and the scientific innovation of their content.


For further information: call for paper .pdf

Inauguration of the National Archaeological Museum of Egnatia “Giuseppe Andreassi”

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Inaugurazione Museo EgnaziaOn July 25, at 18.00, the Superintendent Luigi La Rocca will inaugurate the new exhibition space of the National Archaeological Museum of Egnatia, named after Giuseppe Andreassi, recently deceased, who was its first director.

The initiative is organized by the Regional Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Puglia of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, the Puglia Region, the Municipality of Fasano and the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”.

Strada comunale delle carceri, Savelletri di Fasano


For more information:

tel. 0804829056,

Exhibition “Signs of power. Luxury objects from the Mediterranean in the Lucan Archaic Apennines”

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Osanna figura mostra2The event, part of the celebrations of the thirtieth anniversary of the University of Basilicata, will be inaugurated at the National Archaeological Museum “Dinu Adamesteanu” Palazzo Loffredo, via Serrao 11, Potenza, on 16 July at 18.00.

In the exhibition, which will be presented by Antonio De Siena, Superintendent of the Archaeological Heritage of Basilicata, and Massimo Osanna, director of the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of Matera, for the first time are shown to the public artifacts from the excavation of Torre di Satriano, directed by Massimo Osanna, along with recent acquisitions by the Lucan Superintendency of Baragiano and Vaglio, all items of extraordinary importance for the history of the territory.


Download the program  .pdf