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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Conference: Theatroeideis. Images of city, city of images

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Locandina ENGL  per sitoIt will be held in Bari, June 15 to 19, the International Conference “Theatroeideis. The image of the city, the city of images”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari, by the Post-graduate School  in Architectural heritage and  Landscape of the same University, from the Center for the Study of  History of Architecture (CSSAR) in Rome, with the support of the Accademia Pugliese delle Scienze  and the Polo Museale della Puglia

– Bari, Dip. DICAR, via Orabona 4, Aula Magna Domus Sapientiae, 15-16-17 June

– Bari, Auditorio Diocesano La Vallisa, piazza del Ferrarese 4: June 18 to 19


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Workshop: The ancient port of Naples

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Galley_fresco_PompeiiMonday, May 30, at the Odeion Hall of the Classical Art Museum, it will take place a study day dedicated to the topographical and environmental reconstruction of the ancient port of Naples from the Hellenistic to the Late Antique period, investigated during the excavations of City Hall Station subway line.

Monday, May 30, 2016, 10:00 am

Odeion Hall of Humanities Building – Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome


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Opening: City System of Etruria of Latium. Tomb of the Sphinx, equipped route

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sfinge-ritagliata-440x330 On April 15, in the Natural Archaeological Park of Vulci, it was inaugurated and opened to the public a new sector within the Osteria necropolis, one of the most important burial areas of the Etruscan Vulci. Inside the area, next to important known archaeological monuments, it is now finally possible to visit other important recently discovered archaeological remains, such as the “Tomb of the Sphinx” and the “Tomb of the Silver Hands”; the excavation of the tomb led to the discovery of a rich set of pottery and precious ornaments and a pair of hands in silver and gold lamina of a precious statue made of different materials.

The new route is one of the results of the fruitful cooperation between the Soprintendenza Archeologica del Lazio e dell’Etruria Meridionale, the Lazio Region and local municipalities finalized to enhance the City System of Etruria and promote the important cultural heritage of the region.


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Conference: At the origins of the Roman brick

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Birth and spread of baked brick in the Mediterranean between 4th and 1st cent. B.C.


6839963606_1105593854_bSecond meeting dedicated to the study of clay in Italy and in Mediterranean, this time focused on Hellenistic age and Roman middle- Republican (4th-1st centuries BC). Organized by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua, by the École française de Rome, by the Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.


Padua, 26 to 28 April 2016:

Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo, via 8 febbraio, 2

Orto Botanico, Conference room, via Orto Botanico, 15


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Study Day in memory of Nicola Bonacasa

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mosaic_central_nave_peacock2Round table on the theme “Nicola Bonacasa and archaeological research in Sicily, Egypt and Libya”, organized by the Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti of Palermo.

Thursday, April 7th, at 4 p.m., at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Literature.

Viale delle Scienze, Palermo


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Exhibition: The Italian presence in Albania. Archaeological research, conservation, planning choices

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The exhibition has been organized by the Department of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture and the Postgraduate School in Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the Polytechnic University of Bari, in collaboration with the Superintendence for the Colosseum, the Roman National Museum and the Archaeological Area of Rome and the Study Centre for the History of Architecture (CSSAR).

National Roman Museum (Diocletian Baths), Viale Enrico De Nicola 79, Rome

From March 19 to May 15, 2016.


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Conference: Roman Archaeology Conference and Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference

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conference graphic 03 PNGThe Department of Classical Studies of the University of Rome “Sapienza”, in collaboration with the Roman Society, the British School at Rome, the International Association for Classical Archaeology and the International Union of Institutes of Archaeology, History and Art History, hosts for the first time in Italy the Roman Archaeology Conference and Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, from Wednesday 16 to Saturday 19, March, 2016.

The Roman Archaeology Conference – along with the version dedicated to theoretical archaeology, the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) – is the most important conference in Europe dedicated Roman archaeology. It was established in the UK in 1994 and is scheduled every two years in the major Universities with the aim of bringing together in the same place scholars interested in presenting and discussing Roman archaeology discoveries and themes.

The conference runs in the halls of the Museum of Classical Literature and Philosophy Faculty, Sapienza University of Rome.


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