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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Exhibition: Symbola. The power of symbols

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Immagine SymbolaArchaeological recoveries of the Guardia di Finanza


The spectacular area of ​​the Stadium of Domitian in Rome houses an extraordinary collection of works and artefacts of archaeological interest that explore the theme of ancient symbolism in terms of burial, socio-political and religious-magical traditions.

Conceived and organized by the Cultural Association “Vicus Italicus”, in collaboration with the Tax Police Core of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome, the exhibition involves more than 200 unpublished findings. Most of them were recovered in Italy and abroad in the course of the activity to protect our cultural heritage. Among these, a corpus of clay materials from the votive deposit of Pantanacci, in the territory of the municipality of Lanuvio, where the Guardia di Finanza in 2012 identified a site hitherto unknown to the Superintendency.

On the occasion of the exhibition, it was published the Catalogue Symbola. The Power of Symbols. Archaeological recoveries of the Guardia di Finanza, edited by G. Ghini, V. Lemmo, M. Rossi, with contributions of other authors, Dielle Publisher.


Rome, Stadium of Domitian, Via di Tor Sanguigna, 3 (Piazza Navona)

The exhibition will be open to the public from October 16, 2015 to April 15, 2016


For information:

tel. +39 06.45686100 – +39 06.45686101

Exhibition: The strength of ruins

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CatturaAlthough the association between ruins and archaeology is the most immediate in the common imagination, in a historical-cultural perspective the theme of the ruins actually involves many areas: literature, philosophy, landscape, painting, restoration theory, architecture, urban planning, psychoanalysis, sociology, music.

The exhibition starts from antiquity and moves precisely to these different contexts, to demonstrate the need, the charm and the narrative power of the ruins. The testimonies of the ancient world from the excavation to the museum display, as well as the signs of contemporary disasters, landscapes of ruins and ruined landscapes, and even the sounds of the ruins that inspired, for example, Beethoven are food for thought on our present.


Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Altemps, Piazza Sant’Apollinare, 8, from 8 October 2015 to 31 January in 2016.


For information:



Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism – XVIII Edition

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paestum02pagePaestum (Salerno), 29-30-31 October, 1 November 2015

The only exhibition hall in the world dedicated to archaeological heritage and to ArchaeoVirtual, the first international event dedicated to multimedia, interactive and virtual technologies.


In emphasizing the growing importance that cultural heritage plays as a factor of intercultural dialogue, social integration and economic development, every year the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, now at its eighteenth edition, promotes cooperation among peoples through participation and exchange of experiences. The event is held under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and the sponsorship of Expo – Milano 2015.


Download the provisional program of the event, which will be articulated between the Archaeological Museum, the early Christian Basilica and the archaeological site of Paestum.


For further information:

International Workshop “Pausylipon”: Architecture and Archaeological Landscape

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anfiteatro_di_villa__pollione_posillipo_672-458_resizeThe enhancement of the landscape and archaeological site of Pausilypon is the object of the international workshop that the l’Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia, in collaboration with the DiARC – Department of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II”, organizes in Naples from 4 to 9 October 2015 (Palazzo Gravina, via Monteoliveto 3), with the scientific coordination of prof. Gaetano Fusco and prof. Pier Federico Caliari. The architectural layout of tha ancient villa which constitutes the project area is the narrative core of a series of thematic interventions for the enhancement of the archaeological area.


For more information download the program

Call for paper: Living in Late Antique Mediterranean – International Congress

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CatturaThe Scientific Committee of CISEM (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo/Inter-University Research Centre on Late Antique Housing in the Mediterranean) is pleased to invite you to the International Congress “Abitare nel Mediterraneo tardoantico / Living in Late Antique Mediterranean”, which will be held in Bologna from 2-4 March 2016. The three-day Congress will be dedicated to discuss general topics about Late Antique housing, with an insight on specific contexts. The attention will be focused on regional peculiarities in the Mediterranean. These peculiarities will be analysed by scholars of the relevant fields through wide-ranging speeches introducing each session.


The Colleagues who wish to present the results of their research activity are invited to do so in the form either of papers or posters (short presentations). The contributions must deal with general and cross-cutting themes, while posters aim to present on-going excavation projects and new results. Contributions may be written in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German.

The deadline for abstract submission is 7 November 2015. All texts (maximum 300 words) must be sent to the following e-mail address:

A first draft of the programme will be prepared by the Congress committee according to the proposed contributions and to the scheduling. The provisional programme will be sent to all contributors and published on the official website ( by the end of December 2015.


For further information:

Exhibition: “Agrigentum. The public spaces. The togate statues “

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figuraFriday, June 26, at 19.00, in Agrigento, the exhibition “Agrigentum. The public spaces. The togate statues” will be inaugurated, in the seat of Rural School. The  exhibition which will remain open until 20 July 2015.

On the same day, at 20.00, at the Temple of Juno, a documentary film will be presented. The film was made in collaboration between the University IULM, Laboratory for Enhancement and Communication of the Archaeological Heritage, and the Archaeological Park of the Valley of the Temples.


See the documentary trailer

Download the poster of the two events

Third International Cycladological Conference: “The Cyclades through time: Space and People”

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10Organized by The Society for Cycladic Studies, the Conference will be held in Hermoupolis, Syros, from the 25th to the 29th of May 2016.

The proposed thematic conference sections are as follows:

• Environment, Natural and Anthropogenic (geology, geoarchaeology, flora, fauna, palaeoethnobotany, physical anthropology, nutrition, health etc.).

• Archaeology: new investigations in the Cyclades, special studies of Syros

• Conservation, restoration, management of ancient sites, monuments and museums

• Architecture, and traditional settlements

• History and Demographics

• Philosophy, Literature, Intellectual Life, and the Arts

• Economy, transport and Communications: Resources and Commercial networks

• Social Anthropology, Folk Culture, Society, Law: individual and collective behaviour.

Those wishing to participate should send the completed Participation Form with the suggested title of their paper, their name and surname, their title and affiliation, and a summary of their paper (up to 300 words) by October 31, 2015 either via email ( or via post to the following address Society for Cycladic Studies, Pheron Str. 7, 10434 Athens, Greece.


For further information: download the First circular

Download the participation form

Exhibition: Nourishing the city. At the table in the old Palermo

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Necropoli punica di Palermo IV sec. aOn May 22, at the Archaeological Museum “Antonino Salinas” in Palermo, the exhibition “Nourishing the city. At the table in the old Palermo “(edited by Francesca Spatafora, Director Museum Salinas, designed by Giuseppe Comparetto) has been inaugurated. The exhibition, which forms part of the parallel events of Expo Milano, illustrates the theme of food under several aspects: the natural environment and the agricultural landscape, the resources supply, food and customs associated with it, the table furnishings.

Salinas Museum, Piazza Olivella, Palermo. The exhibition will be open until October 31.


Download the press release and  the  flyer

Exhibition: Revixit. Excavations and restorations in the Hellenistic Roman District of Agrigento

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beniculturali-dirbenicult-areariservata-eventi-upload-ParcoAgrigento-13-5-2015-agf qSaturday, May 16, at 20.30, at the former Rural School, near the archaeological site of the Hellenistic Roman District, the archaeological exhibition entitled “Revixit. Excavations and restorations in the Hellenistic Roman Quarter of Agrigento” will be inaugurated. The exhibition, which will remain open until 21 June 2015, concerns the recent excavations and restoration conducted in the District, funded by the European Community. The large inhabited area with its rich domus, discovered in the fifties, was recently archaeologically investigated, in order to recover stratigraphic data necessary to reconstruct aspects and moments of the long occupation of the area, frequented by the archaic period up to the 6th-7th century AD, when some burials are implanted.


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