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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Caulonia tra la metà dell’ VIII e gli inizi del VII sec. a.C. Nuovi dati dalle ricerche in località S. Marco nord-est

download article as .pdfCaulonia tra la metà dell’ VIII e gli inizi del VII sec. a.C. Nuovi dati dalle ricerche in località S. Marco nord-est

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LubertoThis paper focuses on a group of potsherds coming from the excavations conducted by the University of Florence in the area known as ‘S. Marco nord-est’, in the archaeological park of Monasterace Marina. All these finds can be dated within the second half of the VIII BC and referred to productions and morphologies chronologically connected with two different and very significant historical periods: the frequentation of the inner land of the Ionian coast in the years that immediately precede Greek colonization, that is to say from 750 to 730 BC, and the period of the foundation of the new apoikia, during the last two decades of the VIII century BC. The analogies between these artifacts and the series of similar finds known from the Tarantine gulf allow us to propose some important considerations on the role of the Capo Cocinto and of the area of the future Caulonia in the precolonial period; on the other side, the presence of a conspicuous group of Thapsos potsherds testifies that the foundation of the city has to be posed in the last quarter of the VIII century BC, in parallel with those of the other Achaean poleis of the gulf of Taranto.

Erodiano (7,2,1-8), le megístai eikones di Massimino e la guerra germanica del 235

download article as .pdf:  Erodiano (7,2,1-8), le megístai eikones di Massimino e la guerra germanica del 235

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Livadiotti U

Despite the recent findings of Harzhorn, the German campaign of Maximinus Thrax remains basically impossible to reconstruct. The only literary source that talks about it, the contemporary Herodian, in fact based his history on the observation of the eikones erected in the Roman Forum to celebrate the Emperor’s behavior. Anyway, if on one hand it inhibits the possibility to recognize documentary value of the limited informations contained in the herodianean report, on the other hand it demonstrates the ability by works of “official” art to convey in its audience (like precisely Herodianus) messages ideologically reassuring.

Exhibition: Hygieia: Health, Illness and Treatment from Homer to Galen

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_imgsizeThe Museum of Cycladic Art of Athens (4, Neophytou Douka str.) presents an archaeological exhibition, focusing on the evolution of ancient medical practices in the transition from magico-religious healing practices to rational, scientific medicine. The exhibition, open until 31/5/2015, presents approximately 300 artifacts with the participation of 41 international museums, including the Louvre, the British Museum, the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Musei Capitolini of Rome.

The exhibition, curated by Prof. Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis, Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art, and Yorgos Tassoulas, Curator of Antiquities of the same Institution, presents 3 main subjects: Health, Illness, and Treatment, and covers the era from 1200 B.C. to the 3rd c. A.D.


For further information: Museum of Cycladic Art

Il restauro dei monumenti antichi. Problemi strutturali: esperienze e prospettive, Atti delle V Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento, 23-24 novembre 2012


G greg VSummary


G. Parello, Presentazione, pp. I-VII


The Italian experience
R. Martines, Gli interventi degli anni ’90 del xx secolo. Il restauro dei templi di Paestum. Un caso di restauro interdisciplinare: i restauri finanziati con i fondi F.I.O., pp. 3-20.
S. D’Agostino, Archeologia e rischio sismico, pp. 21-30.

The Athenian experience
V. Eleftheriou, The recent intervention programs on the monuments of the Athenian Acropolis, pp. 31-42.
K. Karanassos, Criteri di reintegrazione strutturale nel restauro dei monumenti dell’Acropoli di Atene. Problemi metodologici e scelte progettuali, pp. 43-54.
A. Vrouva, Calculating reinforcement for fragmented architectural members. A three dimensional approach, pp. 55-66.

A study case: the archaic fountain of the Santuario Rupestre in Akragas
A. Fino, La Fontana Arcaica di S. Biagio, pp. 67-92.
V. Santoro, La conservazione dei monumenti antichi in Sicilia. Il caso del de-restauro della fontana arcaica di Agrigento, pp. 93-117.

Workshop: Intra et extra moenia. The transformation of the territory: cities and countryside between 3rd and 8th century

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figura mosaicoMeeting about Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages organized by the Associazione Universitaria Archeologia Udine (AUAU), in collaboration with the University of Udine (ADID – Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato e Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali). The purpose of this initiative is to provide participants with an analysis of the territorial changes occurred in the area of northern Italy, up to Emilia Romagna, between 3rd and 8th cent., a period crucial to the landscape evolution in the transition between ancient age and medieval times.

2 to 4 December 2014, Palazzo Caiselli, via Petracco 8, Udine c/o Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali e Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.



For more information:

Download the program

Lecture: Pyrgos / Mavroraki: copper, charm and beauty thousand years before Aphrodite

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Festo2Saturday, February 22, at 11:00 am, at the Museum Pigorini of Rome, within the activities of the “Friends of the Italian Archaeological School of Athens”, prof. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno (ITABC-CNR, ROMA) will give a lecture titled “Pyrgos / Mavroraki: copper, charm and beauty of a thousand years before Aphrodite”.

The recent discovery of the Perfume Factory of Pyrgos (Cyprus), which to date remains the earliest evidence, dating back to the second millennium BC, enabled to identify some of the process of extracting aromatic fragrances, not only by studying the functionality of vases and instruments, but also through archaeometric analysis, which identified some of the aromatic substances that were processed at Pyrgos, until a devastating earthquake which cancelled the industrial complex for ever.

The discovery of the Perfume Factory of Pyrgos is nowadays the basis of a specific research project, based on archaeometric and historic experience of the ITABC-CNR team, which conducts research on this subject since 1980, following the discovery of the perfume factory of Cleopatra. Special laboratories have been set up at the ITABC-CNR .


To read more:

Donato G., Lentini A., Fragrances in the ancient civilisations of the Mediterranean Basin: Archaeometric studies” in M.R. Belgiorno, Aromata Cipria, Ed. Era Nuova, Perugia, Roma 2006, pp. 173-218.

Lentini A., Sostanze odorose e terapeutiche dal sito preistorico di Pyrgos-Mavroraki, in I profumi di Afrodite e il segreto dell’olio, ed. Gangemi, Roma 2007, pp. 89-109.


(Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography-“L. Pigorini” Marconi 14-00144 Rome (Italy), Tel. 06-549521)

For information about the Association:

Inauguration of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria

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Riace Bronzes return to public, opened Museum ReggioThe Riace Bronzes are again at the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, designed by Marcello Piacentini (1937-1939) and now renovated by ABDR Associates Architects (Maria Laura Arlotti, Michele Beccu, Paolo Desideri, Philip Raymond). Yesterday, December 21st, in the presence of Minister for Cultural Heritage, Massimo Bray, the exhibition hall, where the two statues are located after the restoration, placed on special earthquake-resistant foundations, was inaugurated. In addition to this, other rooms of the Museum have been reopened, but the completion will be ready by April next year.


For more information:

Exhibition: “Works and days. Archaeology of production and trade in the ancient Akragas “

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Immagine” … There were exceptional vineyards for dimensions and beauty, and most of the region was planted with olive trees, from which they drew so much product to sell it even at Carthage. Because, in fact, Libya was uncultivated, the farmers of the land of Akragas traded with Libya and gained enormous wealth” (Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library XIII , 81)


On December 19th, 2013 at 17:00 in Agrigento, at Villa Genuardi (Via Ugo La Malfa) , the exhibition “Works and Days . Archaeology of production and trade in the ancient Akragas” will be open; the event is part of the Museum School Project 2012-2013 and is organized by the Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. in collaboration with MIUR, USR Sicilia, Ufficio X. Ambito provincia di Agrigento. Text and images tell the story of the ancient Akragas over the centuries, a prosperous city, for the fertility of its lands and wealth of the subsoil, and enterprising, because of the vitality of its port, as documented by the finds coming from the area of the ancient Emporion.


Download the invitation to the opening