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Tag Archives: Taranto

Due sepolture inedite di età ellenistica da Marina di Ginosa (Taranto), località Galaso

Authors: F. Trotta, A. Moro

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This study examines two burials discovered in Marina di Ginosa (Taranto) in 1986 during an emergency archaeological intervention and still unpublished. The tombs and analyzed grave goods reveal a close relationship with the territories of Taranto and Metaponto. They can be dated back to the 3rd century BC and represent one of the few Hellenistic contexts known in the territory of Marina di Ginosa.

Report delle prime indagini topografiche in località Minerva: un sito pluristratificato nella chora di Taranto

Authors: L. Piepoli, A. Fino, S. Capurso, M. de Sio, M. Pellegrino, M. Sciscio

Download article as .pdf: Report delle prime indagini topografiche in località Minerva: un sito pluristratificato nella chora di Taranto

The data obtained during the topographic surveys carried out in 2022 on the multi-layered site of the Minerva locality (Castellaneta-TA) are presented. Previous unsystematic studies have shown the presence in the area of remains of ancient walls, some architectural elements and numerous fictile finds outcropping on the surface, generally datable between the prehistoric and Roman periods. Recent research has made it possible to define the chronological and settlement peculiarities of the site better than in the past, highlighting an early phase of peopling the area between the Middle and Late Bronze Ages and the presence of a continuous active settlement, albeit with different settlement forms depending on the period, between the 6th and early 2nd centuries BC. The research also included a Medieval rocky village located along the side of the Castellaneta ravine, bordering the ancient site to the north, which can be identified with the Minerva settlement mentioned in Guidone’s Geographica in the 12th century among the settlements located along the road between Oria (BR) and Acerenza (PZ).

Una città nella città. Forma e funzione delle acropoli nelle colonie greche d’Occidente: i casi di Cuma, Siracusa, Taranto e Neapolis

Authors: V. Parisi, A. Averna, M. Crisci, R. Perrella

Download article as .pdf: Una città nella città. Forma e funzione delle acropoli nelle colonie greche d’Occidente: i casi di Cuma, Siracusa, Taranto e Neapolis

The paper presents the preliminary results of the research project “AKROMA. Akropolis of Magna Graecia. A critical ‘top-down’ view on Landscape, Architecture and Cult Network in the Western Greek Colonies” – University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. Starting from four carefully selected key sites (Cumae, Syracuse, Taranto, Neapolis), the theme “acropolis” in the Greek colonies in Magna Graecia and Siciliy, which had been never investigated systematically before, has been object of a wide-ranging analysis, whose goal was to identify its peculiarities from a specific Western Greek point of view. Emphatic and strategic places due to their morphological and orographic features, acropolises are arranged as “city within a city”: they are well-defined and separated areas, protected by natural defenses, which at the same time projected outwards (the sea, the lower city, the hinterland) and were always characterized by public, collective and representative functions. Their role, both concrete and symbolic, developed around two main functional poles, the religious one (as the site of the oldest city temples) and the political/military one (particularly emphasized with the development of polyorcetic techniques in the Hellenistic age). Thanks to the comprehensive reinterpretation of archaeological data and the emancipation from the motherland models, colonial acropolises can thus regain space and significance in the urban history of the Western Greek poleis.

Colonie in festa. Qualche riflessione sugli aspetti archeologici delle feste nelle città della Magna Grecia

Author: V. Parisi

Download article as .pdf: Colonie in festa. Qualche riflessione sugli aspetti archeologici delle feste nelle città della Magna Grecia

The paper discusses the theme of festivals in the sanctuaries of Magna Graecia through the analysis of some sample cases, particularly relevant for the convergence of data from both written and archaeological sources, including the iconographical ones related to votive terracottas. Between “lucky” contexts, such as the Heraion of Lakinion in Kroton, and others still much debated, such as the feasts celebrated in Taranto at the tomb of Hyakinthos, the importance of the festive moment emerges as a key element in the colonial religion, which the archaeological documentation can help to reconstruct even in its most tangible aspects.

(Italiano) Arredo urbano e rappresentatività pubblica e privata: il caso dell’Apulia meridionale in età tardo repubblicana e imperiale

Author: R. Belli Pasqua

download article as .pdf: Arredo urbano e rappresentatività pubblica e privata: il caso dell’Apulia meridionale in età tardo repubblicana e imperiale

The study investigates the Roman sculpture from Taranto, Lecce and Brindisi; although in many cases it is difficult to trace the pertaining original contexts, the preserved documentation allows us to analyze how the sculptural decoration was used to meet the needs of public and private representativeness. The ideal sculptures, realized in function of the great monumental complexes built starting from the Augustan age (celebratory complexes, theaters, thermae, amphitheaters), show the adhesion to the political and cultural guidelines enacted at central level, while the iconic statuary documents the choice of public areas or highly representative buildings, aimed at building consent, so as to create those “figurative spaces” through which the city celebrates itself and its citizens. Iconographic schemes and reference models attest the full adherence to the cultural models proposed by the imperial authority.

Ricerche archeologiche all’interno del Castello Aragonese di Taranto. Note preliminari

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gilettiL’attività archeologica condotta all’interno del Castello Aragonese di Taranto ha permesso l’acquisizione di un bagaglio informativo esteso, propedeutico alla comprensione su larga scala delle emergenze rinvenute e alla ricostruzione e datazione delle diverse fasi storiche. Tale attività, inoltre, ha offerto l’occasione per compiere una rilettura critica dei dati archeologici già noti relativi al settore orientale della Città Vecchia. Nonostante la complessa storia edilizia e monumentale dell’area e le pesanti manomissioni connesse allo sviluppo dell’imponente sistema orientale di fortificazione della città post-antica, è possibile iniziare a leggere alcuni elementi del sistema di difesa e di comunicazione della polis greca, identificando limiti e direttrici di attraversamento dell’acropoli. Inoltre, iniziano a emergere consistenti elementi di una cultura poliorcetica avanzata, che attesta l’importanza e la complessità dell’aggiornamento dei sistemi difensivi interni della comunità tarantina. Per la prima volta, infine, è possibile ricostituire alcuni aspetti del complesso paesaggio urbano dell’acropoli.


The archeological activities in the Castello Aragonese of Taranto allow us to obtain a vast amount of information, necessary to understand the emerged findings, and the reconstruction and datation of the various historical phases. Moreover, these activities gave the possibility for a critical re-reading of the already known archeological facts relating to eastern part of the Old City (Città Vecchia). In spite of the complex building and monumental history of the area, and the serious violations linked to the development of the imposing oriental system of fortification of the post-antique town, it’s possible to begin to read some elements of the defending and comunication system. We are able now to identify the borders and see crossing arteries of the acropolis. Moreover, important elements of an advanced poliorcetic culture are starting to emerge. This confirms the importance and the complexity of the modernization of the interne defense systems of the Tarantine community. Besides, for the first time it is possible to reconstitute some aspects of the complex urban landscape of the acropolis.

download article as .pdf: Ricerche archeologiche all’interno del Castello Aragonese di Taranto. Note preliminari