4293264531_0f7cc9e8beSeminar as part of the “Incontri tardoantichi a Roma (ITAR) – Rencontres d’Antiquité tardive à Rome – Late Antique Seminar in Rome – Begegnungen zur Spätantike in Rom ”

Organized by University “Sapienza” of Rome, American Academy in Rome, École française de Rome, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology.

Monday, February 23, 2015 17:00, at Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology, Via Napoleone III, 1 I-00185 Rome



Olof Brandt (Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology): Experiences of photomodeling on the field as a tool for stratigraphic analysis of buildings: the baptistery of Albenga

Norbert Zimmermann (DAI): The catacomb of Domitilla, the dome of Centcelles and Roman houses of Ephesus. Three examples for the use of 3D applications in research


Moderator: Silvia Orlandi (“Sapienza University”)