Figura sitoOrganized by Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo, il Museo Nazionale Romano e l’Area Archeologica di Roma, Brown University and Soprintendenza Archeologia del Lazio e dell’Etruria meridionale.

The conference begins with papers dedicated to the history and topography of the Aventine. A first session will present a synthesis of new research in the field of Aventine studies from the Archaic Period and the Republic through the Empire and Late Antiquity. A second session will focus on the results of new archaeological investigations carried out through the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo, the Museo Nazionale Romano and the Area Archeologica di Roma and coordinated by Miriam Taviani and Roberto Narducci. The day will conclude with in-depth analyses of various archaeological materials, results of archival research, current restoration projects, and the application of multimedia technologies. On March 25, the Soprintendenza has organized special visits to the sites on the Aventine.


Tuesday, 24 March 2015 – 9:30am to 6:30pm.

American Academy in Rome, Via Angelo Masina 5 – Roma

Tel. 06 58461


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