Mausoleo-Augusto-a-due-passi-dal-ristorante-di-pesce-La-Pallacorda.A lesson by Francesco Cellini


During the long process for the realization of a project to enhance Piazza Augusto Imperatore in Rome, it was necessary to review and update, in the light of the most recent archaeological search, the complex set of events that characterizes the history of the monument, its meaning and its relationship with the city. It has been possible to propose a narrative that follows two distinct strands: the first is the evolution of its use, that, from the first century AD to the present, undergoes various interpretations and contrasting variations; the other is the succession of the different interpretations about its nature and shape, that have been made at least since the early sixteenth century, and which have partially oriented the transformation. These are two parallel sequences that lead to separate considerations; they are nevertheless closely interwoven, interacting with each other, which eventually leads to a general reflection on the fate of ancient artifacts in the contemporary world.


Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Venerdì 10 aprile, ore 17.30

Roma, Piazza dell’Accademia di San Luca, n. 77

For information: 06-6798850

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