The Summer School “Kymata”, of which this is the first edition, is an interdisciplinary training between archaeology, architectural history, survey, design and restoration, offered by the post-graduate School of Specialization in Architectural and Environmental Heritage of the Polytechnic of Bari – Department DICAR, in collaboration with the University of Palermo and the Archaeological Park of “Valley of the Temples in Agrigentum.”

Brochure_ITA-1Scheduled for the week 6-11 July 2015, the Summer School is for all those who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of architectural history and restoration of ancient monuments; during the workshop, starting from manual and instrumental survey of structures and architectural fragments, the participants will come to three-dimensional rendering, with the use of the most sophisticated software available today, and finally to the anastilosis and enhancement project of an archaeological area. Subject of the workshop is the so-called “Iseion”, one of the most interesting monument of the Hellenistic-Roman Agrigentum. In addition to teaching and field activities, held by the faculty staff of the University of Bari and the University of Palermo, the course also includes guided tours to the main monuments of the ancient Akragas held by the scientific staff of the Archaeological Valley Park.


For further information and to download the brochure: Summer School Kymata