BCH_Supp_54_Livre .indbVol 1: Production, diffusion, étude. École française d’Athènes, in Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, supplément 54 (Paris/Athens, École française d’Athènes 2016). Pp. 517.

 ISBN: 978-2-86958-274-3.

The two volumes are the result of the Franco-Turkish co-operation between the Department of Archaeology of the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, the École française d’Athènes and the Research Centre Halma UMR 8164 University of Lille 3, Human and Social Sciences,; the volumes collect the Acts of the Congress of Izmir (Izmir, 2-6 June 2007) for  the circulation of an impressive collection of new data on the subject of ancient coroplastic.


Download the initial pages with the table of contents.


To order the book:

École française d’Athènes, 6, Odos Didotou, Kolonaki,

GR-10680 Athens.

Tel.: +30.210.367 99 22.

E-mail: marina.leclercq@efa.gr