Horti HesperidumThe biannual journal «Horti  Hesperidum, Studi di Storia del Collezionismo e della Storiografia Artistica» (Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, filosofico-‐sociali dei beni culturali del territorio Università degli Studi Di Roma Tor Vergata) intends to devote the first issue of 2015 to “Living Images”. Literary texts can serve as a source for documenting an anthropological phenomenon during Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Age: images perceived as living beings, capable of talking, acting and interacting with us.

Special attention will be paid to the following topics:

1 The relationship between believers and devotional images;

2 Ekphrastic descriptions of living, talking, “real” images;

3 Iconoclasm, i.e. the desire to “kill” images in each historical age.

The titles of proposed papers, together with an abstract of not more than 2500 characters (including spaces) and a CV, should be e‐mailed to the journal’s editors by 28th February 2014 (horti‐hesperidum@libero.it).


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