Ricerche TurchiaWednesday, June 12, 2013, at  9,30 a.m.

at the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, University of Rome – Sapienza,  Auletta di Archeologia

the Directors of the excavations will present recent research and restoration works carried out at the sites of Laodicea, Stratonicea and Ani (Turkey).

The conferences are organized by the University of Rome – Sapienza, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, and the University of Pamukkale (Denizli) as part of the Erasmus exchange.


The schedule will be as follows:

Greetings of the Director of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità,  University of Rome – Sapienza: prof. Enzo Lippolis,

Introduction: prof. Francesco Guizzi

Prof. Celal Şimşek, Excavations in Laodikeia ad Lycum

Prof. Bilal Söğüt, Excavations in Stratonikeia

Prof.ssa Fahriye Bayram, Excavations in Ani


Download the poster in .pdf