Promoted by the Fabula publisher, editor in 2012 of the book “Giants of Stone. The Heroon which changes the history of Sardinia and the Mediterranean “, on March 16 will be held in Cagliari, in the Great Hall of the Rectorate of the University, a conference entitled “Monte Prama. Acquisitions and prospects”.

The heroon of Monte Prama is one of the most interesting findings in Sardinian archeology and in the western Mediterranean. After the three excavation campaigns of the seventies, much has been written by important scholars, such as Giovanni Lilliu, and many hypotheses have been formulated, but only with the restoration, completed in 2012 by the Li Punti Laboratory team, we have now the actual perception of the exceptionality of the monument. The recovery of about 25 life-size sculptures, representing warriors, priests-boxers, archers, along with numerous nuragic models and betili, enabled to identify the fundamental characteristics of the heroon. The result is a very articulate frame of problems, from which it is possible to develop further insights and hypotheses. Certainly, this discovery enriches in an extraordinary way the history of Sardinia in the final phase of the Nuragic civilization, when the island was continuously visited by Greeks, Phoenicians and other peoples from the East. The need to rethink the development of the Sardinian history during the Iron Age, placing it more closely in contact and comparison with other Mediterranean cultures, makes the sanctuary of Monte Prama a fundamental step of the research finalized to the history reconstruction. The phenomenon Monte Prama will have to be investigated for a long time and the new excavations, now close, will help in shedding new light and opening further prospects of investigation.



Download the poster with the program in Pdf.


For more information: Dr. Gesuina Fois, , 328.6489265