Alicarnasso, mausoleo, capitello229-31 October 2014 – Aarhus University

Cityscapes are expressions of identity. They consist of houses, streets, temples, tombs and monuments left there by generations of inhabitants. Cityscapes are interpreted and reinterpreted as expressions of changing relations of power, of past lives and of present identity – they constitute places of remembrance. This conference aims at exploring the cityscapes and their monuments as expressions of memories in the cities of western Asia Minor. They will be studied in four different, but not necessarily separable, spaces – private, public, sacred, and funerary. Chronologically the conference will cover the period c. 600 BCE to 500 CE, reflecting more than 1000 years of cultural diversity from the Lydian and Persian hegemony in the Archaic period over Athenian supremacy and Persian satrapal rule in the Classical period through autocratic kingship in Hellenistic times until finally more than half a millennium of Roman rule.


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