figuraThe Archaeological Museum “Antonino Salinas” in Palermo announced that the exhibition “Etruscans in Palermo” has been extended until 31 January 2015. The exhibition is housed in the picturesque setting of the eighteenth-century ” Real Albergo dei Poveri ” in Calatafimi, 207 (Tel. 091/422314). This temporary arrangement allows the visitor to admire – reconstructed for the first time – one of the most important collections of Etruscan material existing in Italy, the Casuccini Collection; it includes about 10,000 artifacts and offers a complete and homogeneous testimony of the artistic production of the ancient Clusium. The exhibition ends with a section dedicated to the Archaeological Museum of Palermo, the history of its formation, the figure of Antonino Salinas and restoration work currently affecting the building.


For more information, download the press release.