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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Tag Archives: Adriatico

Diomede: l’eroe del limite sovvertito. Considerazioni sulla grecità adriatica

Author: H. Catania

Download article as .pdf: Diomede: l’eroe del limite sovvertito. Considerazioni sulla grecità adriatica

This work aims to investigate the cultural systems that emerged from the interaction between Greek and Adriatic populations, using the heroic figure of Diomedes as a key interpretative lens. Deeply rooted along the Adriatic arc of the Italian peninsula, Diomedes represents a cultural bridge between the East and the West. Through the analysis of the mythical and ritual structures and the traditions associated with Diomedes, the study seeks to reconstruct the processes of exchange and transformation that characterized the intercultural dynamics of the ancient Mediterranean.

Le fortificazioni in Puglia tra età arcaica ed ellenistica. Un’analisi preliminare

Author: L.M. Caliò

Download article as .pdf: Le fortificazioni in Puglia tra età arcaica ed ellenistica. Un’analisi preliminare


The paper deals with fortified systems in Puglia trying to offer an organic picture of the phenomenon of fortifications. These seem to be concentrated mainly in two different periods, the Archaic age and the 4th-3rd century. In the first period the great aggere fortified systems was an important experience and manage the landscape of important settlements. The phenomenon of Hellenistic fortifications is more complex. In some cases, they resume traditional structures with a subcircular plan, but in others they experiment with new poliorcetic forms that derive directly from the research that the Hellenistic kingdoms of the West (Sicily and Epirus) were carrying out.