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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Tag Archives: decorazione architettonica

Le decorazioni in pietre e marmi negli anfiteatri romani. Forme, distribuzione e colori

Author: L. Polidoro

Download article as .pdf: Le decorazioni in pietre e marmi negli anfiteatri romani. Forme, distribuzione e colori

Roman amphitheatres usually had marble and stone decorations, but, as of today, their analysis is quite incomplete. In particular, wall and pavement revetement slabs have often been simplified and sometimes even architectural elements, such as the monumental entrances and the porticus in summa cavea, have been overlooked. This present study intends to examine these decorations and underline their importance for the understanding of monuments, since they contributed significantly in the imagine perceived by ancient viewers. Marble and stone ornamentations were also important to determine the polychromatic character of the architectures, both by means of the materials natural colours as well as painted integrations. Furthermore, their presence highlighted specific sectors of the buildings (such as the authorities’ tribune and cult places) and, consequently, the people and the activities there hosted. Hence, they contributed to create the hierarchy of social and functional places.

L’estetica del tempio greco prima degli ordini architettonici

Author: A. Pierattini

Download article as .pdf: L’estetica del tempio greco prima degli ordini architettonici

With only a few exceptions, the scholarship on Greek architecture has addressed the aesthetic of pre Archaic architecture only to a limited extent and often with the purpose of tracing the origins of Doric and Ionic forms and conventions that are documented later, beginning in the second half of the 7th century. Taking a different perspective, this article addresses the aesthetic of pre Archaic Greek architecture in its own context. It focuses on sacred buildings, which beginning at the end of the 8th century B.C. started to differentiate themselves from other buildings for their conspicuous size as well as for their decoration. The chronological scope of this article includes the 8th century B.C., when the evidence of sacred architecture increases dramatically in the Greek world, and the first half of the 7th, when the first experiments with cut stone and terracotta construction began to transform the appearance of the temple. Based on a review of the archaeological evidence, the article examines the treatment of architectural surfaces, the aesthetic importance of wooden columns and the roof, and the radical impact of terracotta roof tiles on the aesthetic of the temple.