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Tag Archives: Italía

I veterani di legione in Italia in età imperiale. Un aggiornamento

Author: E. Todisco

Download article as .pdf: I veterani di legione in Italia in età imperiale. Un aggiornamento

This article proposes an update of the review of legion veterans inscriptions contained in the volume I veterani di legione in età imepriale romana published in 1999 by the same author. A total of nine new epigraphs are examined, coming from the regiones VII, X and XI. Six of these inscriptions are certainly attributable to legion veterans; the remaining three attribution are dubious, because the noun veteranus is integrated. Each text is analised in its parts, starting from the texts’ present editions, and for some of these new integrations hypothesis are proposed.

La “romanizzazione” dell’Italía ionica: nuovi dati

Authors: L. Lepore, C. Giatti, M. Gras, G. Bejor, R. Belli Pasqua

Download article as .pdf: La “romanizzazione” dell’Italía ionica: nuovi dati


On March 15, 2019, at the University of Florence, took place the presentation of the Proceedings of the meeting “La romanizzazione dell’ Italía ionica. Aspetti e problemi ” edited by L. Lepore and C. Giatti, including an extensive chronicle of the two study days and twelve contributions on the cities and centers of Apulia, Lucania and Bruzio. On that occasion, Michel Gras, Giorgio Bejor and Roberta Belli Pasqua presented the Proceedings, focusing their contributions respectively on rural areas, urban realities, archaeological contexts. Given the particular character of the event, conducted and held in such an unconventional way, it was deemed appropriate to publish the texts of the three contributions – in their original form – to be read, if desired, as critical comments.