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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Tag Archives: naiskoi

Report delle prime indagini topografiche in località Minerva: un sito pluristratificato nella chora di Taranto

Authors: L. Piepoli, A. Fino, S. Capurso, M. de Sio, M. Pellegrino, M. Sciscio

Download article as .pdf: Report delle prime indagini topografiche in località Minerva: un sito pluristratificato nella chora di Taranto

The data obtained during the topographic surveys carried out in 2022 on the multi-layered site of the Minerva locality (Castellaneta-TA) are presented. Previous unsystematic studies have shown the presence in the area of remains of ancient walls, some architectural elements and numerous fictile finds outcropping on the surface, generally datable between the prehistoric and Roman periods. Recent research has made it possible to define the chronological and settlement peculiarities of the site better than in the past, highlighting an early phase of peopling the area between the Middle and Late Bronze Ages and the presence of a continuous active settlement, albeit with different settlement forms depending on the period, between the 6th and early 2nd centuries BC. The research also included a Medieval rocky village located along the side of the Castellaneta ravine, bordering the ancient site to the north, which can be identified with the Minerva settlement mentioned in Guidone’s Geographica in the 12th century among the settlements located along the road between Oria (BR) and Acerenza (PZ).

Ancora sulle stele e le edicole dipinte di Lilibeo: immagini, formule, funzioni

Author: E.C. Portale

Download article as .pdf: Ancora sulle stele e le edicole dipinte di Lilibeo: immagini, formule, funzioni


The paper analyzes the painted funerary stelae and naiskoi from Lylibaeum (Sicily), recently increased by two new pieces. Besides typology, iconography, epigraphical formulas, also the (few) contextual data at disposal are considered, in order to highlight specificities, messages, and functions of such artifacts. Some stylistic and antiquarian cross-cutting features, in addiction to epigraphical details, show that both the simpler stelae with a standing person holding a pomegrate, and the more complex aediculae with the “Totenmahlmotiv” were made about the same time, in the Late Republican period. Their clear differences as for morphology, iconography, epigraphs and place of discovery are due to different function and context. Unlike the funerary stelae, mainly coming from the “necropoli di via del Fante” and belonging to grave markers or epitymbia, the naiskoi were found all together further north, during illicit excavantions. In the vicinity, nearer the seashore, some parts of a sacred area with niches and aediculae cut into the rock were also intercepted in 1902, and more recently in some archaeological digs, that discovered also a ditch pierced with a row of niches of cultic-funerary purpose. The former installations belonged probably to a rock sanctuary dedicated to ancestors/heroes, like some similar contexts in Sicily. The painted naiskoi, on their part, are intented to commemorate a small group of “contemporary” dead as heroes, as the title “heros/ heros agathos” and the “hero at banquet” cliché suggest; moreover, the aedicula with a offering trapeza and/or big fruits painted on its forefront alludes to a ritual of heroxenic type, imagined to be performed for the dead.