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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Tag Archives: pottery

Insediamenti e territorio nella Puglia meridionale in età romana

Authors: G. Mastronuzzi, V. Melissano

Download article as .pdf: Insediamenti e territorio nella Puglia meridionale in età romana

This paper aims to offer a summary of the archaeological data coming from southern Apulia and referring to population dynamics in the Roman age. Through the investigation of the long period going from the Roman conquest in the third century B.C. up to the late imperial age, we analyse the changes in settlement system in relation to the historical framework and to socio-political, administrative and economic structures. We also propose some observations about the presence of the best known categories of artefacts, mainly examining the aspects of production and circulation of the pottery classes.

Osservazioni sulla presenza del Bicchiere Campaniforme nella Sicilia Orientale

Author: O. Palio

Download article as .pdf: Osservazioni sulla presenza del Bicchiere Campaniforme nella Sicilia Orientale

This paper addresses the presence of elements linkable to the facies of the Bell Beaker in Eastern Sicily. It will focus on some artefacts from different sites in this part of the Island, starting from Beaker fragments of the Palombara Cave (near Syracuse), and including stone objects such as the archer’s bracelets, arrowheads, and perforated mace-heads. These new elements allow us to reconsider the meaning that these Bell Beaker elements may have had in consideration of the fact that, differently from the situation recorded in the territories of Palermo and Trapani, they are only occasionally attested in Eastern Sicilian assemblages and have little influence on the local subsequent cultural developments, if the survival of elements that can be referred to the Bell Beaker archaeological facies in later phases is excluded.