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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Tag Archives: survey

Dal monumento al segno grafico: il teatro di Taormina nei disegni dei Pensionnaires tra XVIII e XIX secolo

Author: S. Calò

Download article as .pdf: Dal monumento al segno grafico: il teatro di Taormina nei disegni dei Pensionnaires tra XVIII e XIX secolo

The study of ancient architecture by French architects was promoted through the funding of a scholarship to travel to Italy, guaranteed only to the winners of the Grand Prix de Rome. The pensionnaires who enjoyed this privilege went to Rome and some of them went beyond the Latium territory to reach Sicily. In particular, we analyze some drawings of the Taormina theater preserved in the archive of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris and made between the 18th and 19th centuries by Houël, Renard, Blouet and Duc. Comparing the drawings, similarities and differences emerge in the way of representing ancient architecture and the landscape context: an interdisciplinary perspective is necessary which enhances the technical and expressive peculiarities of each pensionnaires, placing them in relation to the question of travel, to the travel journals of architects and to the restauration of ancient monuments.

Il tratto della via Appia tra Gravina in Puglia e Taranto: primi dati sulle ricognizioni di superficie nei territori di Altamura

immagine-per-sitodownload article as .pdf: Il tratto della via Appia tra Gravina in Puglia e Taranto: primi dati sulle ricognizioni di superficie nei territori di Altamura


In the frame of a research project that aim to the reconstruction of the historical and archaeological dynamics that affected the section of the via Appia between Gravina in Puglia (BA) and Taranto, in Apulia et Calabria, surface surveys have been conducted along just under a third of the path of the Roman road included between the two modern towns. A fair amount of archaeological resources has been recorded in the area, most of them not previously known and consisted of artefact scatters, representing large time spans and different site types. Based on these data, it has been possible to put forward hypotheses about the relationships between the via Appia and the previous and subsequent road axes, outlining a preliminary framework of the ancient roadway in the considered area, both in terms of overlaps and continuity of use at different times, and in terms of relevance of the paths in their respective historical-economic contexts. Moreover, it has been possible to formulate new identifying proposals on the Blera and Sub Lupatia resting stations, reported by Itinerarium Antonini (121,3-5).
