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Tag Archives: Timpone della Motta

Residenze per l’élite enotria o templi greci nell’insediamento del Timpone della Motta (VIII-VII sec. a.C.) a Francavillla Marittima?

Author: P. Brocato

Download article as .pdf: Residenze per l’élite enotria o templi greci nell’insediamento del Timpone della Motta (VIII-VII sec. a.C.) a Francavillla Marittima? 


The settlement of the Timpone della Motta (Cs-IT) represents one of the most important sites of the Oenotrian culture of the Ionian coast. The pre-colonial phase demonstrates a close contact with the Greek world which then intensified with the foundation of Sybaris and the progressive Hellenization. The research concerns three dwellings, identified in the excavations conducted by M. W. Stoop and M. Kleibrink on the top of the settlement, generally interpreted as temples. The architecture of the most ancient phases (8th-7th century BC) is examined in detail, providing new reconstructive elements also through comparisons with similar structures. Therefore a different interpretation of the stratigraphic and structural sequence and their functions is proposed.

Francavilla Marittima (CS): indagini archeologiche nell’abitato del Timpone della Motta (2017-2019)

Authors: P. Brocato, L. Altomare, M. Canonaco, C. Capparelli, B. Carroccio, G. Ferraro, G. Lucarelli, M. Perri, A.A. Zappani

Download article as .pdf: Francavilla Marittima (CS): indagini archeologiche nell’abitato del Timpone della Motta (2017-2019)

In 2017 the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Università della Calabria started new archaeological investigations in the ancient settlement of the Timpone della Motta in Francavilla Marittima (CS). The research, which is still in progress, has the aim of extensively defining the organization of the site. Currently, there are interventions in two different areas of the ancient settlement (plateau I and II). This work analyses previous investigations in these areas and illustrates the preliminary findings of the new research. The excavations have found various housing structures, relating to wooden huts and stone buildings. The discoveries attest the frequentation from the Middle Bronze Age up to the 4th century B.C.