N. Bonacasa, F. Buscemi, V. La Rosa (a cura di), Architetture del Mediterraneo. Scritti in onore di Francesco Tomasello, Thiasos Monografie 6, Roma 2016, pp. 332
ISBN 978-88-7140-688-6-1, e-ISBN 978-88-7140-689-3
The collection of essays, preceded by an Introduction by Francesca Buscemi, is dedicated to Francesco Tomasello on the occasion of his 70th birthday, an architect by training, among the few in Italy to have dedicated his life as a scholar to the ancient architecture and to have carried out his activity as a teacher in a faculty of Humanities. An architect-archaeologist, therefore, a figure certainly rare in both in Italian Universities and in the Superintendences, as pointed out by Ernesto De Miro in the first pages of the book. The editors, Vincenzo La Rosa, Nicola Bonacasa and Francesca Buscemi, significantly entitled the volume “Architectures of the Mediterranean” and selected, among the received proposals, those centered on issues relating to the interests of the honoree.
In the volume there are papers about architectural history, ancient topography, history of building techniques, in the same wide chronological span, ranging from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, and in the same geographical areas, Sicily, Crete, North Africa, where Franco Tomasello’s scientific research took place and still takes place, research that is part of a long tradition of studies that involved in the same areas scholars like Antonino Di Vita, Nicola Bonacasa, Giovanni Rizza and the same Vincenzo La Rosa.
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